ERP Misconceptions: To Implement or Not To Implement
When it comes to ERP implementation, many businesses have a
fear on the general scope and don’t know how to overcome this fear. Most of the
fear comes from ambiguities they have in the process or the scope in terms of
time and energy. What they don’t consider is what they are losing by not
implementing an ERP and moving forward in business without one. If you’re a
startup, not building your business on strong foundations will cause
controversy and unstable grounds in your future strategy. If you’re a business
with experience but looking to improve your system, every minute you lose in
strengthening your workflow is a score point to your competitors. So no matter
what type of business you are, whatever industry, whatever experience, it’s a
big ERP misconception if you’re not overcoming your fear to implement.
See the answers to some of the most common ERP misconceptions.
Read the rest here:
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